Thursday, April 21, 2016

Day 4: Visual Element and Reflective Paragraph

The visual element for the Alternative Ending Project is going to be an image or a drawing that represents the overall theme or message you want readers to take away from your piece.

Visual Element Example: (May be a hand-drawn picture OR a collection of 5-6 images from the internet, BUT YOU MUST CITE WHERE YOU GOT THEM FROM IN A WORKS CITED PAGE)

You will also be turning in a reflective paragraph that explains:
  • Which text you chose for your alternative ending
  • What you identified the author's original voice to be 
  • How you continued to use the author's original voice throughout your alternative ending
  • Which literary devices/craft moves you used and what they reveal
  • Finally, what visual element did you choose and the theme it represents

Reflective Paragraph Example

Final Draft of Alternative Ending to "Lamb to the Slaughter" Example:

* As you are revising your final drafts, have the original text out and make sure you are staying true to the author's format and style

Don't forget:
FINAL PROJECTS (including a final draft, visual element, and reflective paragraph) are due on:
Monday, April 25th (A/B/C/D)
Tuesday, April 26th (E)

*****You must print out everything on your own time and bring them to turn in at the beginning of class. No exceptions!!!!!!!!!!

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