Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Day 3: Peer Editing and Revising

Peer editing and revising is a great way to improve the overall quality of your work. Having a fresh pair of eyes to look over your writing might find some, you may have a fresh pair of eyes read through and make helpful suggestions to improve the overall quality of your work.

Helpful Hints for Peer Editing and Revising:

  • Make sure you read through the piece one time before going through and making any changes
  • Don't change the author's words for them, mark suggestions for changes you would add in a different color pen or font
  • Look out for spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Underline any areas that seem unclear or disorganized
  • Jot down any questions you have in the margin
  • Ask more than one person to read through your writing

You can also self-assess your work and make revisions on your own.

Helpful Hints for Self Editing and Revising:

  • Re-read! Re-read! Re-read!
  • Correct any spelling or grammar mistakes
  • Make sure that it follows a logical order
  • Make sure that main ideas are clear and understandable

Don't forget: When in doubt, ask for help! Grab a friend and begin the peer editing and revising process!

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