Monday, October 29, 2018

Context Clues

Use the brainpop game to practice using context clues to figure out the meaning of words.
Click here

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Peer Revision with a checklist

Use this checklist to give your partner some feedback. Make at least 15 comments on their draft, if there are any parts of the checklist that you think they need to address.

   Revision checklist

Image result for partner clipart

Friday, October 19, 2018

Use Transitions to make your memoir flow

Goal: I used transitional phrases to alert my reader to the passage of time, to connect parts of
the story, to imply cause and effect, to raise questions.

Use the list below to see where your transitions fall on the Columbia Rubric

Like a 6th grader:    If he hadn’t....he might not have..., because of..., although...
or little did she know that

Like a 7th grader:   and suddenly, if only, meanwhile

Like an 8th grader:   and so, thereabouts, whenever, wherever, in spite of

Like a 9th/10th grader:  as when, just as, whereby, without realizing, ever afterward

Thursday, October 11, 2018

What is Exposition?

Image result for what is exposition

Watch the clips below 

How can you introduce your memorable moment to your audience? 

Log in to Google Classroom. Write a short exposition to give you readers:
1. any info they need to understand what's happening in the story
 2. context to explain why the moment you chose is so important

Break it down!

Breaking down our writable moments to dig for details... Try to think of each memory as a progression of: emotions, actions, thoughts (reflection), dialogue. Charting these details on simultaneous timelines can help turn a simple description into an opportunity for a meaningful memoir.

Some student samples....

Breaking down our writable moments to dig for details... Try to think of each memory as a progression of: emotions, actions, thoughts (reflection), dialogue. Charting these details on simultaneous timelines can help turn a simple description into an opportunity for a meaningful memoir.