Tuesday, April 25, 2017



An Allusion is a reference to a literary, mythological, or historical person, place, or thing. These are specific to a certain text, character, event, person. 

Watch Katy Perry's music video for her song wide awake and identify as many examples of allusions as you can

Consider how Katy Perry is using allusions to express a message in her song. How do these references strengthen her theme for the audience? 

Verse 1:
  1. Who is the author comparing himself to?
  2. What do you notice about all of the characters that are being mentioned? What common characteristics do they have?
  3. So what does it mean when the author says that he, “doesn’t see himself upon that list,” of men? How can we assume he views himself?

Verse 2:
  1. How would you describe superman?
  2. So what is the author saying about himself when he says that he is not the kind of person that would “fit” superman's suit?

Verse 3:
  1. So this is the girlfriend responding to her boyfriend’s insecurities that he expresses throughout the verses. What does it appear her beliefs on love are?
  2. How is this different from other verses in the song?

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