Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Essay Test

Sometime over your 4-year career as a high school English student, a teacher is going to give you what is called an "essay test." We are going to practice strategies for essay tests using Lord of the Rings as a text.

The Lord of the Rings- The Fellowship of the Ring 

Choose 1 of the following Essay Prompts, and write a 1-1.5 page response.

1. Discuss the evolution of Frodo Baggins as a character. How does he change from the beginning
of the story to the end? What causes these changes? Why is it important to the story?

2. What is the significance of Gollum having been a hobbit-like creature prior to acquiring the ring?
How can greed and envy "transform" someone?

3. How do you explain Sam's determination to stay with Frodo no matter what?

4. Explain the relationship between Aragorn and Boromir. How does it evolve throughout the story?

5. Why is Aragorn a reluctant hero?

6. Discuss the "Everyman" archetype present in the story.

7. What does the ring symbolize?

-Responses should be typed in Google Docs & submitted in Turnitin
-Remember to include an introduction and a reflective conclusion
-Double space your writing
-Use evidence from text to support your answers (you won't have direct quotes, because we are using the film as a text.... but you can still be specific about explaining examples from the movie).
-Don't forget to provide your original analysis (thinking) for each example

DUE: Friday 3/16 (by the end of class)

Image result for fellowship of the ring

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