Thursday, October 19, 2017

Lighting a fire...

“Firestarters” -Write a 1-page entry to expand upon the firestarter you worked on during class. Use examples from Captain America, or your historical fiction book.  

Due: Friday 10/20

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

What shapes a character's perspective??

As we watch the beginning of Marvel's Captain America- The First Avenger, keep track of all the influences that shape who Steve Rogers is as a character (before he becomes Captain America).

HW: What outside forces are influencing the main character in your historical fiction book? How do these forces impact your character's actions and decision making? 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Got a problem? Try this!

Problem Solving Strategies

I  - I got this!
D - Define the problem
E - Explore strategies
A - Act on a selected strategy
L - Look back...Evaluate...Adjust

Self-Assessment Using I-DEAL
Have you reached this yet?
Not Yet
Starting To
Got it!
I’m afraid to try/fail

I didn’t try on my own

I lack confidence
I attempted but gave up

I needed a boost to try
I owned it

I can think for myself to get the job done
I cannot identify the problem yet
I can identify certain issues but cannot state the overall problem yet
I can state the problem
I am unsure of  strategies to use

I am unaware of resources
I am able to brainstorm 1-2 strategies

I tried to use resources
Identified at least 3 ways to attack the problem
I avoided the problem all together

I did not use a strategy
I tried but did not follow through on a strategy

I did not link my pros and cons to my choice
I weighed the pros and cons of my strategies and picked the best one for me
Complacent with my results and skipped over review
I read over my results and chose to stop my process there
I can explain my process

I reviewed my results and revisited my strategies if needed

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Problem Solving Strategies

I  - I got this!
D - Define the problem
E - Explore strategies
A - Act on a selected strategy
L - Look back...Evaluate...Adjust

Self-Assessment Using I-DEAL
Have you reached this yet?
Not Yet
Starting To
Got it!
I’m afraid to try/fail

I didn’t try on my own

I lack confidence
I attempted but gave up

I needed a boost to try
I owned it

I can think for myself to get the job done
I cannot identify the problem yet
I can identify certain issues but cannot state the overall problem yet
I can state the problem
I am unsure of  strategies to use

I am unaware of resources
I am able to brainstorm 1-2 strategies

I tried to use resources
Identified at least 3 ways to attack the problem
I avoided the problem all together

I did not use a strategy
I tried but did not follow through on a strategy

I did not link my pros and cons to my choice
I weighed the pros and cons of my strategies and picked the best one for me
Complacent with my results and skipped over review
I read over my results and chose to stop my process there
I can explain my process

I reviewed my results and revisited my strategies if needed

Research tips from Ms. Poulos

Consider the resources below as you continue to research historical time periods, and build background informational for your historical fiction books clubs.

username: silasdeane
password: grolier

username: sdms
password: lions

Click on Primary Search database for easier magazine articles
Use OneSearch for more results or a historical database like History Reference Center