Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Waste in our World

For the half day before Thanksgiving, Mrs Czapla challenged us to plan a "wow" experience for our students; something meaningful that tied into skills we are trying to reinforce in classes. The Indigo team took that challenge to heart. We spent the day involved in social activism. Our students learned all about food waste in our nation. We watched "Just Eat It," a documentary that examines the issue at all levels of the food supply from farm to processing to stores to homes and restaurants. Students took notes on the documentary. Then, they examined other sources (articles, Infographics) and worked in small groups to come up with a plan for how we could tackle this issue in our schools and in our homes. Students were amazed and outraged at the magnitude of this problem. They displayed a lot of passion for the solutions they came up with, and were very enthusiastic in their presentations at the end of the day. When we return from break we will meet as a team to talk about next steps. We are so proud of our students. I am confident that some day they will be able to tackle other issues facing our world with the same vigor and passion. Happy Thanksgiving to all our Indigo team families. We are so grateful  to have had  the opportunity to work with your kids on such a worthwhile cause today. 

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