Thursday, September 13, 2018

Authors "craft" tension in their stories

Imagine if you watched scenes from Jaws without the creepy music.... would it still be scary? Would you still feel a lot of tension in the scene? Or, would it just be a beach scene of families playing in the water?

Directors and producers use music, lighting tricks, special effects and lot of other visual tricks to create tension in their movies.

Authors also create a lot of tension in their books using a variety of techniques (craft moves).

In The Missing Girl, Norma Fox Mazer uses lots of craft moves in the first chapter to create a lot of tension for the audience.

 Spolier alert, metaphor, symbolism, intentional vagueness, odd details, word choice...

Read your books, and search for instances where the author is using a craft move to create tension in the scene. Use post its to mark the examples and identify the craft moves on the post its.  
HW: 5 tension post its for tomorrow

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


As we watch the beginning of Marvel's Captain America- The First Avenger, keep track of all the influences that shape who Steve Rogers is as a character (before he becomes Captain America).

HW: What outside forces are influencing the main character in yourbook? How do these forces impact your character's actions and decision making?