Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Grab that audience!

A good speech needs a strong opening.... Otherwise the audience won't bother paying attention.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Indigo team hearts Chromebooks!

Today we used the new school Chromebooks to start researching social issue topics for the upcoming speech projects. Don't you just love technology?!?!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Author's Craft

When you read WDM what do you see? What are his signature "moves" as an author?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Space research rubric

WDM Podcasts

Walter Dean Myers, the author, poses with books.
Walter Dean Myers really enjoys meeting the kids who read his books — he frequently visits schools and juvenile detention facilities to talk with young readers

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Author study!

What Walter Dean Myers title is your book club reading?

Working on a deadline!

Publish a chapter of your memoir by Thursday (section A) Friday (sections B/C/D/E)

Chapter should be 1-2 pages and include:
Appropriate graphics/illustrations
Unique title
Font style that fits with themes in writing
At least 3 craft elements reviewed in class (see chart below)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Rehearse your drafts OUT LOUD!

Students spent part of today recording themselves as "storytellers" to encourage them to put more of their own personalities into their memoir writing.

We used modern technology to get back to our roots as "storytellers."

Reactions can be very telling!

Authors use the reactions of other characters in a memoir to help emphasize the significance of the events within a chapter.