Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Antithesis Made Easy

Antithesis: a rhetorical device in which two opposite ideas are put together in a sentence to achieve a contrasting effect.

See how many examples of antithesis you can spot as you watch the video and listen to the lyrics!

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.”
- Dickens

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Blizzard Book Club!

Sammy and I read 47 books today!

8rh graders be warned... I don't want to hear any excuses that you didn't have time to read this week

Monday, January 26, 2015

Blizzard Prep!

We may not have school for the next two days depending on the outcome of "Blizzard Colbie."
I have taken the liberty of putting together an essential supply list, so you will be prepared for anything!

1. Reading book
2. Writer's Notebook
3. Vocabulary packet

Don't get caught without your reading book or writers' notebook..... that would be embarrassing!!
Use "snow days" as a chance to rediscover your inner reader/writer!!
 Even in a power outage you can still read.... flashlight/candlelight/daylight... whatever works!!! 
Remember... NO POWER?  NO PROBLEM!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Research Resources...

Courtesy of Mrs. Poulos:

1. Teen Health and Wellness--
  • read aloud feature
  • includes personal stories and statistics
  • includes links to other good websites/resources
  • username: sdms
  • password: lions
2. Destiny Webpath Express--high quality websites within our library database
  • Go to:
  • Log in--(same way they log in to a computer)
  • click on Catalog Tab
  • Click on Webpath express tab on left hand menu
  • Can search by Lexile etc. for websites. Good sources with descriptions. Kids can star websites if they are good/
3. Kids Health/Teen Health


    Another Indigo team student is in the news this week... Connor Wallowitz performed one of his original songs on the television show "CT Style" yesterday.
    Click the link below to watch the segment.

    CT Style Performance

    Tuesday, January 20, 2015

    Congratulations Tea!

    My student, Tea Hima, has been chosen to be part of the 2017 Teen Nutmeg Selection Committee. She is one of two students chosen statewide to participate in this incredible literary opportunity! 

    Way to go Tea!! The whole Indigo team is so proud of you! 

    Teen Nutmeg Selection Committee

    Click here to read the article

    Monday, January 19, 2015

    Argument essay format reminder

    Remember these from our Salem Witch Trial unit? Use them to guide your child soldier essays. 

    Your introduction should include:
    -Attention grabbing lead sentence
    -Background info to provide your reader with some context
    -Mention all theories
    -State claim and 3 supporting reasons (mini claims)

    Friday, January 16, 2015

    Child soldier debate

    Today's debate format is set up in a way that will help you write your argument essay over the weekend. Rounds 2 and 3 are specifically designed to lay the groundwork for the counterargument section of your essay. Remember, there are two objectives in a counterclaim. #1 poke holes in your opponent's theory. #2 play defense for your own theory. 

    Avoid words that don't further your argument. For example, people who believe child soldiers are criminals should avoid using the words victim or brainwashing whenever possible. 

    Take words or phrases that your opponent used in their initial argument, and turn them around to use their own words against them. Redefine the circumstances to better align with your theory. For example, someone who believes that child soldiers are perpetrators could question the use of the word "victim," and remind their opponent of all the innocent "victims" the child soldiers killed in incredibly brutal ways. 

    This weekend as you write your argument essay supporting whichever side you support on this issue... be sure to use the notes you have from the debate activity. What are the most relevant pieces of evidence to support your thesis.

         Choose a thesis:
    1. Child soldiers should be prosecuted for their crimes, because they are perpetrators.
    2. Child "soldiers" should not be prosecuted for their "crimes," because they are victims of horrific circumstances.

    Tuesday, January 13, 2015

    Critical Issue Research

    Use the links below to gather information and take notes to answer the following questions:

    Should child soldiers be prosecuted for their crimes? 

    Are they victims? 

    Are they perpetrators?

    CNN video- Youngest Guantanamo detainee transferred

    CBS News Video- Eye To Eye: Ishmael Beah (CBS News)

    Child Soldiers- Children in the ranks

    Friday, January 9, 2015

    Face New Challenges!

    We are almost halfway through the school year... that means you are all close to becoming high school students. We hope that your time at SDMS will help prepare you for the new challenges you will face as freshmen next year. You have already come a long way from the students you were at the beginning of 7th grade, and will continue to grow in leaps and bounds from now until our last day of school.

    Here's a glimpse of the final challenge 8th grade advisory groups will tackle together.

    Wednesday, January 7, 2015

    SRI Test

    SRI Test Link

    Use the link above to complete the second round of 8th Grade LA Scholastic Reading Inventory Screening. This is one of the ways we monitor your progress and development as a reader!

    Take your time and do your best!

    Tuesday, January 6, 2015

    Be Prepared!!!

    Don't get caught without your reading book or writers' notebook..... that would be embarrassing!!
    Use "snow days" as a chance to rediscover your inner reader/writer!!
     Even in a power outage you can still read.... flashlight/candlelight/daylight... whatever works!!! 
    Remember... NO POWER?  NO PROBLEM!

    Organizing our thoughts about nonfiction...